It is easy to sign up to be a volunteer coach!  There are 3 simple steps that should take you less than 5 minutes to complete.  If you are planning on coaching a team this season, we recommend coaches do this right away as it helps us get your team reserved in our system and we will start placing kids on your team as they sign up.  This helps you have access to who has signed up.  (This can be done prior to signing up your child)

High Level Steps

Step 1 - Complete the TeamSnap Registration form to allow us to quickly gather information on your team, what NFL Mascot you want to be, who should be on your team and gets you into the system.  Every coach should complete this form for each season you are coaching.

Step 2 - Background Check - We require all volunteer coaches to complete a background check 1 time each calendar year.  We do use one of the leaders in the industry for youth sports.  The process is very easy as it will ask you to create a quick account, fill out a few pieces of information and then hit submit.

Step 3 - Coaches Clinic - Pick 6 Sports does put on a coaches clinic each season.  Our main process for these is done via webinar.  Simply sign up for the date that works for you or watch the offline recording.  The replay link will be published after the 1st webinar of each season.   We strongly recommend all new coaches attend and this is a good format for coaches to ask any questions on rules, how to use TeamSnap, format or schedule questions.

Steps to Registering to Coach

  1. Go to Pick 6 Sports Website.  
  2. Find the Season you are signing up to coach and click that link
    1. Sign in or Create a TeamSnap Account
    2. Register yourself for the Coaching Program (Or if you are registering another adult, please enter their information)
  3. Fill out the Coaching Application form
    1. Shirt Size - Select the size of coaches shirt you will need
    2. Coach Team Request - Please enter the list of kids you'd like to have on your team. (Please put first name and last name when possible)  We require you put your child's name in the box at a minimum.  This is helpful in quickly finding your child as sometimes kids are registered by other family members, or you may have multiple kid and helps to know which one you are wanting to coach. 
    3. Location to Coach - Select your location or league you are planning to coach
    4. Team Mascot - Please list your top 3 team mascots that you would like to be.  
    5. Division to Coach - Select the grade level that you are planning to coach
    6. Schedule Preference - Select your preferred type of schedule between Recreational and Competitive schedule.  
      • Recreational -  All of your regular season games will be scheduled at the location you sign up to play.  For example if you sign up to play on Saturday's in Renton all of your games would be at Hazen High School.
      • Competitive - Half of your games may be at other Pick 6 Sports Locations.  This is to allow teams to compete against the other top teams.  Games would still either be on the day you signed up to play.  For example if you signed up on Sunday you would only play the other competitive teams from Sunday who opted into the schedule.
  4. After Completing the form in TeamSnap, Complete the Background Check.
    1. We require all volunteer coaches to complete the background check 1 time per calendar year. 
  5. Sign up for a Coaches Clinic